Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Curriculum Sale!

Cokesbury is selling all of their curriculum at 50% off until July 31.


Great Resource on Christian Practices

John Roberto has edited a fine new resource on religious practices. There have been a lot of theoretical pieces written on religious practices over the past decade. This resource takes a practical approach to Christian formation by breaking the Christian life down in to 12 essential practices. It is very practical. From the Introduction, "You will learn about each practice and its foundation in Scripture. You will discover a variety of practical suggestions for living the practice and how to make it an integral part of everyday life." There are even free online learning activities and study guides available.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Preview the new NOOMA online through Wednesday

You can watch the new NOOMA video entitled "Whirlwind" for the next 46 hours by clicking here.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Great Youth Mission Trip Idea

Last week, I accompanied our youth group on their annual mission trip. We spent a week in Philadelphia participating in Broad Street Ministry's Summer Youth Immersion Program. It was an excellent experience. I highly recommend it.

From their website,

The summer immersion program begins with our regular Sunday evening worship service. Groups should arrive by 5 pm. We provide several days of service learning and opportunities for authentic relationship building with the people of Philadelphia. An effort will be made to take groups to different neighborhoods in the city and discuss poverty, homelessness, hunger, and health care all grounded within a theological framework. A particular goal will be to engage youth with the poor and disadvantaged who are trying to make a difference in their community through social action. Stereotypes will be broken not re-enforced. The week will end in a service of commissioning to send students back to their own communities where faithful transformation may continue.

Why your youth group should consider Broad Street's Summer Youth Program:

1.) It's close. No long van ride necessary. Our group took the train from Harrisburg.

2.) It's well run. Rev. Erika Funk, the staff of BSM, and their talented summer interns do an excellent job of leading, teaching, and inspiring young people.

3.) It's reasonably priced. The program costs $390 per person for the week.

4.) As a leader, you just have to get your youth to Philly. The BSM staff takes care of all the logistics and programming!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Spirituality Centers

Are you thinking about starting a spirituality center in your church? The Fall 2009 issue of Ideas for Church Leaders has a short, stimulating article on one church's experience of setting one up. Who knows, after reading these two pages, you may just be inspired to start creating one in your church.