Monday, May 5, 2008

Resources on the Immigration Issue

Immigration is a huge concern these days. In our culture, different interests are lined up on opposite sides of the debate. Below are a few resources to help your congregation sort out this complex issue.

1.) Debating Immigration, edited by Carol M. Swain. This collection of 18 essays on the immigration debate explores the issue from the perspectives of religion, law and policy, economics and demographics, and race.

2.) Immigrant America: A Portrait by Alejandro Portes and Ruben Rumbaut. Recognized for its superb portrayal of immigration and immigrant life in the US, this book probes the dynamics of immigrant politics, examining questions of identity and loyalty among newcomers, and explores the psychological consequences of varying modes of migration and acculturation.

3.) Vicki Lantz at Second Carlisle is tackling the issue this month. Kudos to Vicki for taking this on. We look forward to hearing about your experience.

4.) David True is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Wilson College in Chambersburg and a member of Carlisle Presbytery. Dave is very interested in this topic. He taught a class at Wilson on it this spring and is giving a paper on it at the American Academy of Religion meeting in the fall. He made a very interesting presentation on the topic in the fall of 2007 at Market Square Church.

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