Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spirituality and Fund-Raising

Spirituality and fund-raising. When I saw these two terms in the same phrase, I truly thought I had seen it all. Give credit to Henri Nouwen for making me a believer that they are not mutually exclusive. In a small booklet titled "The Spirituality of Fund-raising," Nouwen shares some powerful insights into fundraising. Some nuggests of wisdom include: Fundraising is a form of ministry in which we announce a vision and invite others into our mission, we need to ask our donors to participate in our vision and not just write us a check, we need to confront our fears of asking for money, and his invitation to explore whether our security is found in God or money. This is a truly powerful and insightful piece of writing. Make a note to read this before your next Stewardship campaign.

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